Child Trafficking

Child trafficking is defined as the “recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt” of a child for the purpose of exploitation. 

This definition comes from the United Nations Palermo Protocol, which the UK and the majority of countries around the world have adopted, making it the internationally accepted definition of human trafficking. A child is defined by the Palermo Protocol and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child as any person under the age of 18. In the UK, trafficking is regarded as a form of modern slavery. 

The trafficking of children is a process comprised of two distinct stages: the Act and the Purpose. This is the “recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or reception of persons, including the exchange or transfer of control over those persons … for the purpose of exploitation.” 

Essentially, child trafficking is child abuse and should be treated within a child protection context. It is also a crime and abuse of an individual’s human rights. 

Children may be exploited in one or more ways. Often, one form of exploitation may make the child more vulnerable to other types of abuse and exploitation; for example, a child trafficked for domestic servitude may also be sexually abused by adults in the household. 

The main types of exploitation are: 

Sexual Exploitation 

Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a form of sexual abuse that involves the manipulation and/or coercion of young people under the age of 18 into sexual activity. This includes abuse of the child for the production of child abuse images or videos. 

Domestic Servitude 

Domestic servitude involves the victim being forced to work in private households. Their movement will often be restricted, and they will be forced to perform household tasks such as childcare and housekeeping over long hours and for little, if any, pay. 

Forced Labour 

Forced labour involves victims being compelled to work very long hours, often in arduous conditions, and to relinquish the majority, if not all, of their wages. Identity documents are retained by the traffickers, meaning the young people cannot leave or prove their identity. 

Forced Criminality 

Forced Criminality can be understood as the exploitation of a person to commit a crime, such as pick-pocketing, shoplifting, cannabis cultivation, drug trafficking and other similar activities that are subject to penalties and imply financial gain for the trafficker. 

Organ Harvesting 

Kidneys are in the greatest demand and are the only major organs that can be wholly transplanted with relatively few risks to the life of the donor. 

Forced Begging 

Children, including babies and young children, can be used as tools for begging. 

Children may also be forced to beg alone, with the money handed to adults and gangs controlling. 

Benefit Fraud 

Benefit fraud commonly involves adults who exploit children to facilitate fraudulent claims of Child Benefit and Working Tax Credits. 

Other Types Of Exploitation 

Other activities, such as illegal adoption or forced marriage, may be considered trafficking in so far as they fulfil the constitutive elements of trafficking in human beings. 

Do staff receive adequate training?

All staff, volunteers and governors undertake annual training so they are aware of school protocol, policies and procedures. This means staff know what to look out for to spot and recognise signs of abuse. Listening is an important skill in order to keep children safe and staff are able to listen carefully. Regular refresher training, helps staff to keep up to date with the latest information. As a supportive community, children know to share any concerns with staff. Parents and carers are welcome to read our policy, which is available on our website or via the school office.

Does KPS share information with other professionals?

The best interests of the children will always be our priority. As such, there are times we will need to record, monitor and share information with other agencies, such as Social Care or the police. We will share concerns about our pupils with the child’s parents/carers unless we have reason to believe that such a move would not be in the child’s best interest.

What should I do if I am worried?

If you are concerned about a child’s welfare, please record your concern, and any observations or conversations heard, and report to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) as soon as possible the same day.  Do NOT conduct your own investigation.

Who is in the Safeguarding Team?

Add this heading just above our photos 

What should I do if I am worried about a member of staff?

If your concerns relate to the actions or behaviour of a member of staff then you should report this to Pavin Dhaliwal, Headteacher.

If the concern relates to the Headteacher, concerns should be reported to Gurminder Singh or Jujhar Singh, co-chairs of the Trust.

If you are still concerned, further advice is available from:

NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000

Childline: 0800 1111

Slough Emergency Team: 01753 875362

Mental Health

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Welcome to our new Mental Health and Wellbeing (MHWB) page. We consider the emotional health and wellbeing of our children, staff and parents to be of paramount importance. As a result, we have set up an area dedicated entirely to this worthwhile cause.

Who can I get help from?

We all have bad days, and need someone to talk to. Friends, family and teachers are great to talk to when feeling worried, stressed or even when you just want to talk to someone. At Khalsa Primary school we are committed to help and support your well-being; we as a listening ear are there for you!

Parents and Carers also play a vital role in ensuring that their child’s mental health and wellbeing needs are met. If you’re feeling sad, angry, worried and want to talk about it or just have someone listen to you without any judgment-keep us informed of any specific needs or any support required, we can help.

On this page you will find links and information covering a wide range of MHWB topics and we hope you find them to be useful.

There are many charities and organisations working in the field of mental health which could provide you with support and you can access a range of issues.