School Meals
The school provides a meal service costing £2.15 a day or £10.75 a week. The School Office have requested that all payments are made in advance via Parentmail or using the Parentmail App or via the School Office (cash payment only) and cover a weekly or 4-weekly period to make collection of monies more manageable.
Children of parents who are in receipt of Income Support or Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance or have Asylum Seeker Status are entitled to free school meals on completion of the ‘Application for Free School Meals’ form which can be obtained from the School Office

The meals offered are strictly vegetarian (no eggs, meat or fish) and must not contain Nuts.
Chilled water, cool milk and fresh fruit is available daily to the children.
If a packed lunch is brought from home, please ensure that it is strictly vegetarian and is a healthy meal i.e. no chocolates, crisps or fizzy drinks.
Fresh bread is available to accompany all meals (fresh water available daily)
The salad bar
A selection 4-6 salads are available daily to accompany main meals. Varieties include cucumber, tomato segments, grated carrot, beetroot ,shredded ice burg lettuce, coleslaw, mixed pepper salad, pasta salad, sweet corn, apple, celery & sultanas, green salad, kidney bean salad, mixed bean salad.
As an alternative to the dessert to the day we offer a choice of yoghurt, or fresh fruit.
The importance of good healthy eating for children cannot be stressed enough.
The School Food Trust is helping to educate everyone associated with schools on the recent government guidelines for school meals.
Visit the School Food Trust website for further information: